Death To 2020!… Literally 😅

Dear all, you didn’t think I was going to desert you did you?

I hope you had a Beautiful Christmas?

Had to do one more for the culture

The year has literally come to a close and I want to thank you all for sticking with me since March. Reading my blog posts, sharing, interacting, asking questions and booking consultations. Thank you all❤

Thank yewwww❤

Sooo the agenda for today🎊


We’re going to talk about Sunscreens today…

Physical and Chemical Sunscreens, how to pick the right ones, the Importance of Sunscreens etc.

But first I’d tell you a little story, also the reason we’re talking sunscreens..

So over a week ago I travelled to Kogi State(Lokoja) for my best guy’s wedding.

I just had to attend it. Can’t remember not ever knowing him. He has always been present in my life (Love you Unc❤) so I travelled. Little did I know the horrors waiting for me💔

First off, I wasn’t prepared for how extremely scorching the state is.

I thought I was gon die😥

I wasn’t expecting it.

Also I either reacted to the water at the hotel or the weather or the state itself.😥

I don’t just know…

We spent just 3 days, we literally went in and out of the state with quickness

For those who might not know, I use glasses.

Only for me to return to Lagos to see how burnt I was😭

I was sunburnt! With big ass painful pimples.

Know why I pointed out the fact that I use glasses? Cos I used my glasses there and when I got home all the marks from the glasses on my face, were 5 times brighter than my whole face😭 you could tell I was burnt. I literally looked like this🧟‍♀️

For the Skincare Mavins in the house, you know when your skin is doing great, looking all glassy and beautiful and then all your efforts go down the drain?

The heartbreak is never of this world. I was hurttt. I started panicking, refused to look at the mirror or take pictures. That was how bad it was.

But then again I told myself, this is a challenge. Get your skin back. And now, I’m in the process. It’s a slow sad process but I’m glad I’m getting my skin back.

Sooo first off, What is a Sunscreen.

Sunscreen, also known as sunblock or suntan lotion, is a lotion, spray, gel, foam, stick or other topical product that absorbs or reflects some of the sun’s ultraviolet radiation and thus helps protect against sunburn.

There are two types of Sunscreens.

Physical and Chemical.

• Chemical sunscreen absorbs into the skin and then absorbs UV rays, converts the rays into heat, and releases them from the body. The active ingredients in chemical sunscreens include avobenzone, octinoxate and oxybenzone.

• Physical sunblock sits on top of the skin and reflects the sun’s rays. The minerals titanium dioxide and zinc oxide are the main active ingredients in physical blocks.


  Physical Sunscreens

• Less irritating and a better fit for sensitive skin.

• More moisturizing, which can feel heavy on the skin.

• Difficult to fully blend into the skin. However, newer brands now offer matte and tinted versions that have less of a white cast and can give the skin a smooth, even appearance.

Chemical sunscreen is a better option if you:

• Are swimming and need a water-resistant formulation.

• Play sports or sweat a lot during the day.

• Want a sunscreen that absorbs quickly into the skin.

How to pick the right ones.

What to look out for

• Broad spectrum (protects from both UVA and UVB rays)

• Fragrance-free

• Noncomedogenic (won’t clog pores)

• Oil-free

• Paraben-free

• SPF of at least 30 or higher

The Importance of Sunscreens.

A few reasons why you should purchase one.

• It Protects Your Skin from UV Rays: The depletion of the ozone layer has increased our risk of sun damage from harmful UV rays. Sunscreen blocks these rays, greatly reducing the likelihood of sunburn.

• It Lowers Your Skin Cancer Risk: Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 71,943 people were diagnosed with melanomas of the skin in 2013, and 9,394 of these cases were fatal. By applying sunscreen each day, you cut your risk of contracting skin cancers in half.

• It Prevents Premature Aging of the Skin: Sun damage from UV rays causes photoaging of the skin, which is characterized by a thick, leathery look; discoloration; and a breakdown of collagen, which contributes to lines, sagging and wrinkles. Studies show that those below age 55 who apply sunscreen regularly have 24 percent less chance of developing these signs of aging than those who don’t.

• It Helps Maintain an Even Skin Tone: Sunscreen helps prevent discoloration and dark spots from sun damage, helping you maintain a smoother and more even skin tone.

Who doesn’t want a smooth even toned skin💁‍♀️

I know I do.

So please go get you a Sunscreen.

A few good Sunscreens that I have used.

• Neutrogena Hydroboost Sunscreen SPF 50 :

Very moisturizing, only challenge I had was

A : The heaviness on the skin. Made my face too oily. Retails at 6500 naira or $13

• Neutrogena Ultra sheer Dry touch Sunscreen SPF 55 :  Only downside was,

A : The white cast it used to leave. And whenever I was sweating, it was everywhere.

Retails at 5500 naira or $12

• La Roche Posay SPF 50 : The White cast… It really frustrated me but it was still so good. Retails at 11000 naira or $34

• Altruist Sun spray SPF 50 : Loving it so far, no challenge yet. Retails at 4500 or $7

• Black girl Sunscreen SPF 30 : Specifically created for black skin. Weightless, no white cast. I recommend. Retails at 12000 naira or $16

All from Buybetterng.

The only challenges I used to have with Sunscreens was the white cast they left.

Sometimes they also felt heavy on the skin.

This is why I decided to invest in a Sunspray instead.

Least I forget, for those who don’t know SPF means Sun Protection Factor(It is the measure of how well a sunscreen would protect the skin from UVB rays)

Peace out Lovelies✌

Have a very wonderful new year! ❤

Textured Skin🧟‍♀️🧟‍♂️

Hello lover,

I’m back!! You should take me to court honestly

Me making a poor attempt at a cute apology face🤧

For ghosting you and moving on with my life.

I’m sorry, there was just a lot last month. Had my draft but was too lazy to turn it into a post.

Today I’d just be giving free tips and tricks to avoid and combat textured skin. We’d all have textured skin at some point.

Textured skin is caused by when your skin is a little congested.

Congested skin is a build up of dead skin cells and gunk stuck on the surface of your skin.

My skin isn’t smooth all the time, it gets congested most times too so these gems I’m dropping actually work whenever it happens to me

These tips and tricks would help you so, let’s gerrit!

• Gently massage any of the products you have into your skin. Be gentle,don’t be a ruffian!

• Avoid skincare products that contain alcohol,sulphate and even fragrances cos it might incite serious reaction

• Get Skincare products that contain : Hyaluronic acid, ceramics, peptides, rosehip oil and pomegranate. Be on the look out for products like these as they are known for restoring and maintaining skin hydration, skin health and is great for uneven textured skin.

•  Never Skip Sunscreen! Not only your face, your neck, hands and feet deserve love too.

The sun actually has the ability and capability to turn your skin into a raisin if you don’t protect yourself from it

• Makeup wipes are not a replacement for soap and water please. Whenever you clean with wipes, remember to always double cleanse.

• You need chemical exfoilators for textured skin. Physical exfoliators actually do more harm than good as the beads and nodules tear the skin. Examples of some Chemical exfoilators : AHA and BHA peeling solution from The Ordinary, Glycolic acid toner from The Ordinary, Paula’s choice BHA toner.

As we all probably know,  any acid used makes your skin more suceptible than it already was to the sun and so, this means that you need to double up your sunscreen usage.

• Whenever you come across extra ice cubes rub on your skin. It helps to reduce the Oily T Zone and it also brightens your skin.

• Use a Vit. C serum, it’s actually a very important ingredient in your skincare journey. It helps with dark spots,dry skin,bumpy skin,textured skin BUT not acenic skin sadly. You have no business using it if you’re battling serious acne.

• Did you know that Dry and Bumpy Skin could be as a result of Sun Damage? Now you know. Your Minimum SPF usage should be 30 or nothing!

• Use paper towels instead, why? You know how you use a face towel or napkin, it absorbs water right? Then you keep it for next time without drying it. Bacteria and Mold grows on them and contaminates the skin you worked so hard to get. So invest in paper towels instead or use nothing.

I’d like you to take a chapter from the book of patience cos it would take you a few consistent months for any real change to occur but on the bright side, your makeup can look really good when you get rid of textured skin.

Lastly, the same way your body needs a detox, your skin does too. So get Bentonite clay + ACV and slather it on that baby.

Detoxing is just like dieting for me, whenever I get a face detox I feel like I’m on a fresh clean slate. Get your moisture on afterwards tho as it can be very drying.

One more, do not use masks and harsh acids under your eyes as they are thinner that the other parts of you face.

I hope you learnt a thing or two? Or five?

Have a blissful and happy December ❤


One Time For October

Hi guys💕

Who missed me? Cos I missed me…

How are you? Genuinely?

Let me tell you how I am.

I feel so lost, so broken, so sad. Sometimes I wake up crying. I’m going through survivor’s guilt and it’s not a pretty sight.

I honestly wasn’t going to write a blog post throughout this month cos it’s a sad month. It’s a fucked up month. But writing is therapeutic for me.

And so here I am. Putting my thoughts on paper.

Also I was meant to graduate 4 days ago. Lol

But it didn’t happen. This has triggered my depressed ass.

This year has been a lot of jumbled emotions for me. I have cried so much, my eyes look 3 times it’s size😅 and that’s putting it lightly and I also cry cos all I can do is feel sad and cry. I need this wave of evil to end.

I need a fresh new start somewhere far far away.

I do not want to talk about all the bad that has been happening. Icky stuff.

So let’s just talk about everything else…

My Topic for today was going to be Acne Scarring but let’s leave it for another day.

During this phase of evilness (it might not be a word but I don’t care) I let myself go.

Me, the most diligent routine girl, let myself go. I stopped all routines, I used any face soap. I didn’t use my eye cream, didn’t do my hair, looked like a Zombie, I mean a homeless person. I had splitting headaches daily from staring at my phone Morning till night retweeting. My glasses became my best friend.

I’m quite sure my eye reading must be a decent -6 now😒

So I developed the hugest pimples ever. The most painful ones. My eye bags were not of this world. We’re talking Telfar? Or even Balenciaga no Chanel here.

My Skin looked pale and my smile was dead…

I looked at myself in the mirror and was shook. This isn’t me, Emi Number one Beauty Queen, Model extraordinàre? The most beautiful girl in the whole world? Yes I’m vain… love it so much.

Na me… Miss Vanity🧚‍♀️

So I decided to revive myself back cos, can’t be me…

And I’m here to tell you what I’ve discovered.

First off, I’d like to thank you all for believing in me,for reading my blog posts, anticipating them and interacting with me…

So first on the list…

  • Be kind to yourself. You only have you in the end. Don’t be too hard on you. You’re not ugly, you’re not stupid, you’re not a failure, you shouldn’t feel guilty cos people died, you didn’t kill them. You’re beautiful. Speak affirmations over your life. You gotta trick the mind, force yourself to believe this.

I’m talking to myself as well.

-Biko why are you using two different face soaps??? Pick a side baby. Which team are you batting for?? You need to be consistent with one soap. Don’t confuse your skin. Consistencyis much better than switching. You’re not helping your skin, you’re putting your skin through horror. If it could talk, it’d run far away from you. This is nothing but the truth. Pick a side and be consistent with it❤

  • This one ehn, I figured it out yesterday.

So I have this special face sponge that came with my face soap. I use it and keep it out to dry. Not thinking of the dust and mold and bacteria and every other thing growing on it.

The next day, I rinse and repeat. But I noticed my pimply face wasn’t even disappearing. Instead, it kept increasing…

Eureka! My sponge was the agent of destruction. As I’m talking to you, it’s in the bin rn.

God gave me natural sponges. I’d use my hands for the time being.

  • Lastly before application of any new product, please wash your hands you detty pig! Wash your hands thoroughly for at least a minute before putting it on your face.

Our hands are bacteria carriers. You can’t be trying to get great skin and one the other hand you’re sabotaging yourself? No na.

Don’t do that to yourself. Be Intentional about everything you do. I’m trying to learn this. Love yourself. You’re amazing and You’re the shit!

Love you❤

This is my only blogpost for the Month of Oct.

One of the darkest months in my life.

Ciao, Adios I’m done 😅

Always wanted to do that.

Bye guys🤗


Moisture Barrier 🤨

Hello Lovers, 🤭

“Lovers” sounds very unoriginal lmao 😤 I need a perfect name for my perfect readers.
Any Suggestions ??

How are we all doing though?

Over this year yet? Cos I am.
Can’t wait for it to come to an end so we can start a new chapter.

I’m not saying Covid would end with the year, I’m just saying we need a fresh clean slate of a start.

Someone on Twitter pointed out the fact that 2020 is a Leap year and Leap years are filled with so much evil and I- Ooopsss

Let’s just say, I’ve not been able to get it out of my head…

This year taught me something that I always knew but never really bothered about.

Life is short.

So Live and Love…

Don’t just exist. Live💛

This Blogpost is a must read! I’m not Sexist but this is mostly for us gals this time around… Although guys can learn a thing or two🤔

But it’d be extremely interesting so keep reading “Dorhlings” how bout this one 👀??

So whenever the red visitor knocks have to be the worst week for me… All the friggin time.

I literally get paranoid, have anxiety attacks, heart palpitations, difficulty walking, loss of appetite,swollen face…
I’d be sad throughout that week, self sabotaging, trying to pick fights, crying🤕 Tough girl like me o. Crying 😐Throwing up. Bad skin. It literally becomes pallor.

Especially for those of us whose periods are on the shorter end of the spectrum.

So I go through all these twice a month. No breaks whatsoever.

Let’s not even talk about my near perfect glass skin that literally becomes an eyesore😖

If I don’t troll my girl, who will 😅

The switch up is always crazyyy.
Then after the week is gone, I’m there trying to salvage my skin.

Which brings me to the main reason we’re here.

                 Moisture Barrier

So after struggling with Acne from the Red Visitor, I overdosed on chemical exfoilants and some drying soaps..

My skin became a literal mess because it lost its moisture barrier and so I thought to share.

What exactly is Moisture Barrier?

The skin’s moisture barrier does exactly what it sounds like — it helps the skin to retain moisture, specifically water.

The skin barrier consists of the epidermis and, most specifically, the hard, outermost layer of the stratum corneum.” The epidermis is what we typically think of as the outer layer of the skin, but it’s made up of five layers.

Why Is It Important?

Put simply, the barrier works to keep good stuff in and bad stuff out. Essential water and electrolytes are sealed in, which keeps skin looking smooth and dewy. At the same time, it protects the skin from dehydration and repels irritants in the air.

How to Assess Your Moisture Barrier

You can self-assess the strength of your moisture barrier by paying attention to your skin. “Skin might look and feel rough, dull, flaky, inflamed, red, and itchy,”

The same lifestyle factors that can affect your skin overall can damage the moisture barrier: Not drinking enough water or drinking too much alcohol or caffeine. Environmental factors, like too much sun or wind, can also be damaging. You can also damage your moisture barrier by – not surprisingly, not moisturizing enough.

Can You Actually Repair Your Moisture Barrier?

Thankfully, most of those products that promise to “repair the moisture barrier” are probably helping.

I recommend you stay hydrated on the inside and out, which means drinking lots of water and choosing the right skin care. “Apply products that include ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, which binds water up to 1,000 times its weight, and lactic acid, which is a humectant, meaning it actually increases the moisture content of the skin”  You’ll know your barrier is on the mend when skin has less of those above symptoms, such as flakiness, roughness, and itchiness.

Just one caveat: A moisture barrier can be tricky to repair with home care if there is an underlying skin disease or severe skin damage. In the meantime, just keep moisturizing.

We’re at the end of another blog post 💛

Thank you for reading


The Phenomenon Of Purging🧙‍♀️

Hello hello, how do you do today?
How’s it going?

Did you miss me? Cos I did miss writing to you

Me wondering when next I was going to put out a blogpost 😅

This blog post has been a long time coming.
Had to write one before my avid readers come for me. Can we just blame it on my editor please 👀

On today’s episode, we’d be talking about Purging
Nope, not the one where you have a runny stomach.
This one happens to your skin.

No two words can send a shiver down the spine of a beauty enthusiast like “the purge”.

The term ‘skin purging’ refers to a reaction to an active ingredient that is increasing skin cell turnover rate.
As skin cell turnover speeds up, the skin starts shedding dead skin cells faster than normal.

The end goal?
To expose the fresh skin cells underneath and reveal clearer, younger-looking skin.

Ah, if only it were that easy.

Before these new, healthy cells can cycle to the surface, some other stuff has to rise to the top first, like the excess sebum, flakes, and buildup that clog pores (aka: all the makings of a pimple or two… or 10).
This is what’s not so glamorously known as “skin purging.”

A typical example of before and after the purge🧚‍♀️

As the surface layer of skin is shed more quickly, our skin is expediting its recovery and pushing everything to the surface.

It may look different from person to person, but you can get a mix of whiteheads, blackheads, papules, pustules, cysts, and even the tiny ‘pre-pimples’ that aren’t visible to the eye, called microcomedones.

What should you do if your skin is purging?

  • Stick to a gentle skincare routine to avoid further Inflammation.

That means just the basics: a sulfate-free cleanser, a soothing moisturizer, and sunscreen during the day.
And, of course, the retinoid or exfoliator that’s putting you through the purge in the first place.

That’s right: It may be tempting to stop using said retinoid or exfoliating acid altogether, but resist.
Stick through this ‘it gets worse before it gets better’ phase.

How to tell if it’s purging or a breakout

There’s a difference between purging and having a bad reaction to a new topical product. The former is a necessary evil. The latter is… well, unnecessary.

Purging from a product:
Happens where you frequently break out.
Disappears faster than a normal pimple

Breakout or reaction from a product:
Happens in a new area where you don’t break out.
Typically takes 8 to 10 days to appear, mature, and shrink.

If you’re seeing breakouts [or dryness] in an area of your face where you don’t normally break out, it’s probably a response to a number of different things

Purging will occur in a more defined area where you frequently breakout.

In other words: If you’re prone to cysts around your jawline or occasional flaking under your nostrils, purging will take it to the max.

There’s one good thing about purge pimples, though: Pimples that arise from purging will appear and disappear faster than a ‘normal’ pimple.

Think of purging as the terrible twos of skin care.
Your skin may be throwing temper tantrums left and right, but it’s only a phase (albeit a frustrating one).

Since purging occurs when an ingredient attempts to speed up the skin’s natural pace of shedding and renewal, it should only take one full skin cycle to get through the worst of it.

Everyone’s skin is unique, so that time frame can differ from person to person. Generally and dermatologically speaking, purging should be over within four to six weeks of starting a new skin care regimen.

You can’t speed the purge, but you can help make it tolerable

Four to six weeks may sound like a long time to wait for the skin of your dreams. Alas, there’s not a whole lot you can do to change that timeline.

Tips during the purge:

  • Don’t pick acne.
  • Don’t use drying products, like exfoliating acids.
    That will only extend the purge period and may even lead to permanent scarring.
    -Don’t use products that will excessively dry it out, either.

Since many spot treatments are actually exfoliating agents (like salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide), keep them faraway from purging skin. It’s already in the midst of cell turnover. Any extra stimulation in this department will probably only make things worse.

Post-purging is worth the wait for your ideal skin

As annoying as it can be, this pesky purging period will all be worth it once your skin has adjusted to its new routine.

Who knew that clear, youthful skin was waiting just beneath the surface that whole time? (Oh yeah… dermatologists).

We’ve come to the end of this blogpost 🧚‍♀️

Be good and stay safe😘

Thank you for always reading💛


My Country People!!!
Been a while yeah?
Tbh, I’ve missed writing to you.
Honestly 🤧
I literally had to drag my lazy ass to write this but y’all know what they say, better late than never innit?

I have lots of fun stuff to talk about today but before I start… How are you?
How’s it going? Learning a skill? Going to work? Enjoying yourself and making the most of what’s going on?
Man I honestly missed writing o.
You should see how hype I am rn.

Who’s watching BBNAIJA? Lucky you 😅
We’re not even allowed to watch it in my house, so I follow it on Twitter.
Twitter is honestly the best place to watch tho. The bants? The trolls? Love it! 😂
Love this season, following it cos of my girl Erica ❤
My fave anytime, any day.
Who do you Stan?

😏 I hope you stan my girl too?

Let’s get to the main reason we’re here.
Agenda must Agend…
So my mom decided to spwoil her children in this lockdown 😅
She got lots of soft drinks and told us to drink away🤣
Everyday, 2/3 bottles of Fanta, Coke, Pepsi, Mirinda etc.
See me thinking it’s enjoyment 😓
I didn’t even consider my skin. Choi!
One day I saw how bad I looked and I knew the obvious reason 🙆♀️
Sugar!! Too much Sugar.

Me getting so mad at myself 🤧

I got so mad at myself.
Me, Emi, proprietor of great skin.
Messing up flimsily. I was disappointed.
I’ve not had any in a few days and I have vowed to stop having them.
Please cut down on your sugar intake.
It honestly affects the skin…

Now, for the real topic on the agenda.
Body Acne 🤨

Body acne is generally confined to the back and upper half of the body, as opposed to your legs.
The literal worst honestly
This has affected a lot of people’s self-esteem.
You can have beautiful, shiny, glowy, smooth skin.
But your back, arms, chest area and boobs would be covered in acne.
And you wouldn’t be able to wear all those beautiful clothes you purchased—It’s very upsetting honestly.
But, your Fairy Glow Mother 🧚♀️ is here to the rescue.
I’ve honestly been suffering from this too and I’m here to share my experience and what I’ve been using to combat this atrocity.
This applies to my male and female readers 😊
Guys that’d like to show the nice body they’ve worked hard on for years shy away from doing so due to body acne.
Very sad.

Most common causes of body acne:

  1. You’re hanging out in sweat-soaked clothing.
    Getting a good sweat working out is the best way to relieve stress, stay in shape, and rid the body of toxins. But… a sweat sash can be counterproductive, if you don’t take care to clean your skin after you’ve worked out. Hanging around in your workout clothes might be tempting, especially if your workout wasn’t especially rigorous, but allowing tight, sweat-soaked fabrics to linger on your skin can result in breakouts known as acne mechanica, caused by friction when your skin isn’t exposed to air.
  2. You need a better body wash.
    You wash your face morning and night, and follow a strict skincare routine. The skin on your body deserves the same attention! Body acne develops when your pores get plugged up with dead skin and excess oil, known as sebum. Bacteria grows in these clogged pores and causes pimples. We can actually treat acne on our body with the same ingredients as our face, but you want to use products that are formulated for the body specifically because this skin is tougher, thicker and can generally handle more.
  3. Your pillowcases or towels need a run through the wash.
    Sometimes, a breakout can be attributed to something as simple as not doing that load of laundry. When we sleep on the same pillowcase or use the same towel for too long, oil, dead skin cells, skincare residue, sweat, dirt, bacteria and all sorts of other residue collect over time, any of which can easily become transferred onto our skin, possibly clogging pores. If you notice breakouts on the side you sleep on, a dirty pillow case might be to blame.

Good daily care for the skin on your body is a good backbone for your acne treatment routine. Finding a treatment that works can seem frustrating, especially after you’ve tried several over-the-counter (OTC) treatments with little improvement.

Ever heard of dry brushing?
Dry brushing is a method of gently exfoliating your skin using a special firm-bristled brush *not smokers brush pls 😂).

Dry brushing the skin really is as simple as it sounds—a firm, bristled brush is swept across the skin, from toe to head. It’s called “dry” brushing because you aren’t scrubbing up while you bathe or shower. Instead, both your skin and the brush are completely dry (although some people apply a dab of body oil to the brush before using).

Dry Brushing Essentials

Dry brushing gets rid of skin flakes and dead skin cells that could otherwise cause clogged pores. For this reason, dry brushing your body may work to prevent acne breakouts.

Body Scrubs
Some people legit think this is a waste of time and money.
But it isn’t actually.
If you’re struggling with your back, chest and/or shoulders due to body acne, using body scrubs is an effective solution for body acne treatment.
Purchase a great body scrub, preferably one with dead sea salt. It really works.

Also, you can purchase some great acne body washes.
It’d honestly take a while to disappear but it would with patience and consistency.
We’ve come to the end of this blog post and I honestly hope you had fun while getting informed?
Thank you for reading.
If you have any inquires, want to book a consultation?
Contact me via email on

Ciao, Adios🌊

“Fungal Acne “

Hello fellow Skincare Mavin

How have you been doing?
It’s been a long time innit?
I know it has…

I had to take a much needed break because I’m sure I was slowly loosing it.

Have you ever had or experienced a Panic Attack?

It’s not as they described in books, it’s much much worse.
It’s not pretty at all.

For weeks now I’ve been in a terrible state.
Everything came crashing at once.

I just wanted everything to end
I just wanted to shut the noise…

Anyway, I’m back…
Slowly but surely

The time for moping is honestly over.
Lots of people have it worse,so I’ve got to suck it up.

I’d like to let you know, that regardless of your situation, you’re doing great– trust the process.
Everything good will come in due time.

I don’t have a funny story today, sadly but I spent my time away reflecting, trying to come to terms with stuff.

Trying to get better as I was under the weather.

The past few months have been a lot of jumbled emotions.
Enough about me!

Let’s talk Fungal Acne!
If you’re noticing that breakouts on your chest, back, or shoulders just aren’t clearing up, you might be dealing with fungal acne.

A Few Examples Of How It Looks Like

Trust me, it’s not as nasty as it sounds. 
You’ve probably heard of it or not…
You probably even have it but you don’t have a name for it.

If you have breakouts that won’t budge, no matter what treatments you try, you could be dealing with fungal acne. Although the term ‘fungal acne’ might be new to you, it’s not a new condition.
In fact, it’s not even really acne.
That’s why you can put all the benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid you want on fungal acne, and it won’t disappear.

Here’s what you need to know about fungal acne, including what it looks like and how to treat it, so you can figure out once and for all what kind of acne you’re dealing with — and get back to clear, radiant skin.

First of all, fungal acne isn’t really a thing. In fact, it’s a made-up name for something scientifically called pityrosporum folliculitis, or malassezia folliculitis. 
You know those tiny bumps on the face that don’t seem popable?

Fun Fact: Fungal acne can be contagious.
It actually can be with close encounters
Because it is a yeast, yeast has a tendency to spread. With that in mind, there’s a chance that fungal acne can be passed along to others.

Fungal acne appears as inflamed, itchy, acne-like eruptions that are really pus-filled bumps.
It shows up as breakouts in areas where you typically have a lot of oil — your T-zone (forehead, nose, chin), chest and back.

The telltale difference is that fungal acne can be itchy, and regular acne is not.
Other clues:
Fungal acne is generally uniform in size and shape, and appears in clusters of small whiteheads.

How do I treat fungal acne?

Firstly, get a prescription, be sure you are really dealing with Fungal Acne.

Next, depending on the severity of the infection, a dermatologist might suggest something as simple as a body wash or they might prescribe medication. They’ll most likely advise incorporating a topical sulfur wash into your routine, which is anti-fungal and antibacterial.

  1. Use a chemical exfoliant on your skin. This keeps pores clear of dead skin cells, which trap oil and create a buffet table for pityrosporum and yeasts.
    Look for ingredients like lactic acid or salicylic acid.
  2. Experiment with over-the-counter topical fungus treatments. You may see a difference when you use antifungal creams, or when you use dandruff shampoo as body or face wash. E.g Nizoral.
  3. Wear natural, breathable fabrics. Synthetic materials can be irritating and contribute to oil production on your chest and back. Make sure oil isn’t trapped, and can dissipate naturally.
  4. Remove wet workout clothes immediately after exercising.
A Sweaty and Exhausted Person

How can I prevent Fungal Acne?

Unfortunately, you can’t really prevent fungal acne from happening.

Also, your skin is an important indicator of what’s happening on the inside. Looking your best on the surface is a clear signal that everything’s working well in your body.
It’s your job to figure out where you can make adjustments so that you can look and feel amazing every single day.

So my expert advise:
Cut sugar and go low-carb. 
Yeasts and fungi love sugar and simple carbs that convert to sugar in your body.
If you starve them, they won’t hang around for long.

We have come to the end of this very enlightening blogpost.

Do you think you have Fungal Acne?
Do you need an expert and more tailored advise on your acne condition?

Send an email to: and I would work hand-in-hand with you towards a healthy and radiant skin.

I’m here for you😘

See you soon!🧚‍♀️

“Organic Creams😒”

Hi there,

How’s it going?

How has your skin been faring ever since you started reading my blog posts?
Hope you are putting all the tips and tricks to work…
Or you get coconut head?? You no dey hear word?
Is that it?

That’s me in the middle, ready to fight you😤

I honestly write these blog posts to help someone out there with problematic skin to feel better about themselves and be intentional about how they want their skin to be like.
So please help me help you.

If you have any questions, concerns, issues whatsoever hit me up.
I’m ready to help.

So today I’m here to debunk a few beliefs and put you on the right track…
If you have been up to date with the recent trend on Social Media, especially Instagram, people now tag their Skin 🤦‍♀️ Cringe

When I mean tag, I mean after posting a great picture which 95 percent of the time is edited, and tagging where they get their clothes and hair from next thing they tag is their Skin aka “Skin by XYZ”.
Honestly, I’m no hater… it’s just really cringy for me.

Also, I’m not bashing influencers here but all these Instagram influencers now peddle “Organic” creams all in the name of giving you the “glow”

This has been a bone of contention for me. Recently, I got this new client who purchased a Popular Organic Kit that 85 percent of influencers endorsed.
I won’t mention the Brand’s name so as not to destroy their business, but I’m quite sure most of you must have come across it one way or the other. They are ridiculously expensive and on top of that, they have bad customer service. They promise to make you bright and shiny without bleaching you. Amazing!

So this Client of mine got their lightening kit, after 2 weeks of usage, she noticed sores all over her face. She became darker and her skin looked ashy as if she was burnt.
Note, my Client isn’t exactly dark-skinned.

Not only did the products burn her face, but it also burnt her whole body and gave her sores.
When I asked for pictures of the products as it was a virtual consultation, I discovered that a brand that prides itself as being “Organic” contained lots of acids in its product formulation.
I immediately asked why she didn’t check the labels before purchasing or consult me before she got them.
All she said was since she saw lots of Influencers endorsing the product, she was sure it would work.
She contacted their customer care line but they kept being rude to her and ignored her.
After much research, I discovered she wasn’t the only one this happened to, there were a lot of people that complained but were drowned out by the voices of the influencers and most times their comments were even deleted or blocked by the Skincare brands.

This is very Unfair.
Inhumane at most.

Very Mean💁‍♀️

I started blogging about skincare via Instagram about last year before moving to WordPress and there was this big fight about those who claim to be “Organic”.
It made rounds all over social media, last year.

An Investigative Journalist went undercover to their companies and noticed some of them mixing relaxers and different harmful chemicals into their so-called glow creams, but coming online to lie and make money.
While it might not be all the organic skincare companies that perpetrate such acts, it is very good to conduct your research before purchasing any product for your skin.

We all have to be careful, skin cancer happens most times due to this issue and the harbingers of this act go Scott-free while leaving their victims to suffer the consequences.

My honest advice? Learn to become an informed consumer. Research product ingredients for their benefits and see if they would help you, before buying.

Be Patient,be patient ,be very very very patient 😉

A word they say is enough for the wise🙂

Another thing I want to address is Black soap
Sure, It’s great. Mind-blowing. yadayadayada.
Black soap is drying as hell. Although, some brands try to make theirs “moisturizing”.

Q: Do you know why people love and use black soap?
A: It leaves their body squeaky clean by washing off all oils.
Now talk about putting it on your face. E V E R Y D A Y.
Washing off the Sebum that protects and moisturizes our skin. Scary right? No matter how much you moisturize afterward you’re still damaging the skin barrier.

The skin on our face is more delicate than the rest of our body.
So please if you were using it before?
Cease and Desist for your own good 💛

This is my 15th blog post and I’d like to do a giveaway.
I’m still thinking about what to give out.
When I figure it out, I’d let you all know.

This is not a goodbye but a see you later (🤣 I must miss school a lot cos wetin be this????)

Ciao guys😘

Tips From Your Fairy Glow Mother🧚‍♀️

Hello main squeezes 🤗

It’s me your Favourite Bully and your personal fairy glow mother.

How are you doing?

The month of June had to be the most unreproductive month for me in terms of putting out new blog posts.
I put my hands in too many projects and as a result burned out fast.
But I dey for you today…

I’m at the hairdressers doing cornrows on my four year old natural hair that I’d soon perm cos what’s all this stress??

Can you relate?

I am completely and utterly stressed out.
This hair gives me more headache than the codes I write 😖

I’d be giving brand new tricks today 💃🕺

But you know the drill 😊
Before we get into it, I’d regale you with a funny story that happened to me recently 😅

I believe the funniest things happen to me while enjoying my own company.
So I’ve never had Alcohol before cos I never really cared for it, plus it’s quite dehydrating which is bad for the skin but due to the rape stories flying around and how girls are taken advantage of and drugged and raped I decided to check my alcohol tolerance as you don’t know what can happen right??

So I stole two of my dad’s good wines that had 10 and 11 percent alcohol.
One white, One red.
I was soo ready.
Due to my sweet tooth, I opted for the ‘sweet’ red wine thinking it’d be sweet, Boy was I wrong🤦‍♀️
I wasn’t prepared for the bitter taste that hit me.
But as a stubborn goat that I am, I decided to persevere.

I opened both bottles and decided to take both.
I finished the White 😔 on an empty stomach too.

Wrong move🤣

Thank God I locked my door.

I literally started feeling funny, laughing like a fool, I think I was hallucinating too. Throwing up consistently, terrible headaches.
I was drunk, as a skunk 😅
I felt soo horrible, I rolled down my bed and fell more than 5 times.
I slept for close to 6 hours.

When I woke up, I was hung over and felt so terrible for the rest of the day.

It’s safe to say I won’t be trying alcohol in the nearest future. 😣

Also I noticed that particular white wine was bad for my skin, apparently I had an allergic reaction to it; my skin doubled in size and I got huge pimples

Ever heard of Wine Face masks ?

I have decided to use the rest of the red wine as a face mask.
I’d do the DIY and share the results with you.

Tip 1: Don’t forget about your neck!!
Neglecting the neck area is one of the most common skincare mistakes🤧 I’m a perpetrator of this act sometimes and I know you are too.
Neglecting the neck is quite crazy as it’s one of the biggest giveaways of someone’s age. So make sure you continue your entire skincare routine down your neck.
This means cleansing, toning and moisturizing the neck too.
Also, be gentle and massage it in upward motions so that you’re not pulling the skin downward, which is precisely where you don’t want your skin to go.

Tip 2: Nothing looks better in your 50s than sunscreen early in life make sure you’re applying it daily, come rain, come sunshine.

Tip 3: Wash your hair if it’s dirty. The residual oil and dirt causes forehead acne.
Clean your phone before picking calls and placing it on your face.
Bacteria lives on the phone a lot and it’d surely give you acne.

Sadly we’ve come to the end of this post.

The next post would definitely be filled with goodies.

Ciao guys😘

Love you!

The Red Visitor😅

Hey you…

It’s been many days, I hope you are good?

Once again, I’d love to thank you for always reading my blog posts.

It makes my soul so glad that someone out there is eagerly waiting for what I write.

Today, I’d be talking about my skincare routine after the red visitor leaves.

Then again before I start we’ve got gist…

What kind of water do you use to wash your face?

No, I don’t mean cold or lukewarm.
I mean how neat is your water?

A week ago I noticed the water from my bathroom changed its colour.
Also, some black particles started coming out from it.

Immediately I noticed this, I switched it up.
I started using only pure water to wash my face.
And I started boiling the one I’d use to bathe.
So I drew my dad’s attention to it and he said he also noticed.
He called a plumber immediately.

On the day the plumber came to check what was wrong, he had to pour out the whole water from the tank away and wash the tank.

Lo and behold, the entire compound was smelling like Sewage 🙆‍♀️

Apparently, the water was so stale, it started spoiling.
I actually never knew water could spoil.

Anyway everything was rectified but there’s something I’d like to bring out from this.

You can actually be so diligent in your routine but you’re not getting desired results, this is as a result of some little things you might over look.

So I’d advice you to be intentional about the things you put on your face.
Only if you’re sure your water is quite clean, then go ahead.

But if it isn’t, try using clean water.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk

Back to Business

The Red Visitor isn’t someone I love to entertain. When she comes I’m always on my worst behaviour.

Crankier than normal, picking unnecessary fights, crying out of the blue and so on.

Not only that, you know it’s sends it’s little soldiers to fight battles on our whole being ESPECIALLY our faces.

You’d wake up and see giant painful pimples.
Then you’d go and start checking your calender to know what the hell is going on.
Cos, with all the expensive skincare products the efforts you’re putting in should show right?

Then you slowly discover that it’s the red visitor who has come to disrupt all the progress made thus far.

Then you sigh and continue your day cos there’s nothing you can do and decide to wait it out.

What if I tell you there are preventive and corrective measures you can take to drastically reduce the influx of pimples, when she knocks.
Stay with me. (Don’t leave me 🤣)

After I mastered this routine of mine, I started to discover little to no breakouts when it’s time.
I have this tracker that keeps me up to date and let’s me know a week or two before she arrives.
So I immediately start getting ready:

  • I cut down on all sugars, junks, butter etc.
  • I start washing my face twice a day and using my toner.
  • I use the glycolic acid toner from The Ordinary Brand.
  • I moisturize too. And I don’t stress it.

I do all these till she comes; when she comes undoubtedly, she’d leave a pimple or two in her wake.

My favourite part is when she leaves, my skin loves to feel pampered and trust me to indulge it. 😅

I start with my favourite cleansing bar that contains Kojic acid and Licorice. The Urbanskinrx even tone soap.

After that I lather on my Aztec Healing clay mixed with Apple Cider Vinegar to detoxify and remove oil build up.

I let it rest for 30 mins.

After I wash off, my skin becomes squeaky clean.
I then go in with my Vichys Pore Purifying Face mask which smells sooo amazeballs 😂

Reviews say it smells like Old woman’s Perfume but trust this weirdo to love it.
I leave it on for 10 minutes and wash off.

Then my favourite part.
I lather on my milk mask, leave for 20 mins and wash off.

By this time, my face is so soft and glowy.
Looking so clean and fresh.

Next up I use either my Vit.C cream or my Niancinamide serum and I moisturize.

I have mastered the art of this routine, I barely get any breakouts whatsoever.

I think you should try this routine, I’m sure you’d thank me later.

If you don’t have these products, you can send me a message so I’d see what you have and let you know what you can do with them.

Thank you for reading always🤗
