Moisture Barrier 🤨

Hello Lovers, 🤭

“Lovers” sounds very unoriginal lmao 😤 I need a perfect name for my perfect readers.
Any Suggestions ??

How are we all doing though?

Over this year yet? Cos I am.
Can’t wait for it to come to an end so we can start a new chapter.

I’m not saying Covid would end with the year, I’m just saying we need a fresh clean slate of a start.

Someone on Twitter pointed out the fact that 2020 is a Leap year and Leap years are filled with so much evil and I- Ooopsss

Let’s just say, I’ve not been able to get it out of my head…

This year taught me something that I always knew but never really bothered about.

Life is short.

So Live and Love…

Don’t just exist. Live💛

This Blogpost is a must read! I’m not Sexist but this is mostly for us gals this time around… Although guys can learn a thing or two🤔

But it’d be extremely interesting so keep reading “Dorhlings” how bout this one 👀??

So whenever the red visitor knocks have to be the worst week for me… All the friggin time.

I literally get paranoid, have anxiety attacks, heart palpitations, difficulty walking, loss of appetite,swollen face…
I’d be sad throughout that week, self sabotaging, trying to pick fights, crying🤕 Tough girl like me o. Crying 😐Throwing up. Bad skin. It literally becomes pallor.

Especially for those of us whose periods are on the shorter end of the spectrum.

So I go through all these twice a month. No breaks whatsoever.

Let’s not even talk about my near perfect glass skin that literally becomes an eyesore😖

If I don’t troll my girl, who will 😅

The switch up is always crazyyy.
Then after the week is gone, I’m there trying to salvage my skin.

Which brings me to the main reason we’re here.

                 Moisture Barrier

So after struggling with Acne from the Red Visitor, I overdosed on chemical exfoilants and some drying soaps..

My skin became a literal mess because it lost its moisture barrier and so I thought to share.

What exactly is Moisture Barrier?

The skin’s moisture barrier does exactly what it sounds like — it helps the skin to retain moisture, specifically water.

The skin barrier consists of the epidermis and, most specifically, the hard, outermost layer of the stratum corneum.” The epidermis is what we typically think of as the outer layer of the skin, but it’s made up of five layers.

Why Is It Important?

Put simply, the barrier works to keep good stuff in and bad stuff out. Essential water and electrolytes are sealed in, which keeps skin looking smooth and dewy. At the same time, it protects the skin from dehydration and repels irritants in the air.

How to Assess Your Moisture Barrier

You can self-assess the strength of your moisture barrier by paying attention to your skin. “Skin might look and feel rough, dull, flaky, inflamed, red, and itchy,”

The same lifestyle factors that can affect your skin overall can damage the moisture barrier: Not drinking enough water or drinking too much alcohol or caffeine. Environmental factors, like too much sun or wind, can also be damaging. You can also damage your moisture barrier by – not surprisingly, not moisturizing enough.

Can You Actually Repair Your Moisture Barrier?

Thankfully, most of those products that promise to “repair the moisture barrier” are probably helping.

I recommend you stay hydrated on the inside and out, which means drinking lots of water and choosing the right skin care. “Apply products that include ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, which binds water up to 1,000 times its weight, and lactic acid, which is a humectant, meaning it actually increases the moisture content of the skin”  You’ll know your barrier is on the mend when skin has less of those above symptoms, such as flakiness, roughness, and itchiness.

Just one caveat: A moisture barrier can be tricky to repair with home care if there is an underlying skin disease or severe skin damage. In the meantime, just keep moisturizing.

We’re at the end of another blog post 💛

Thank you for reading


2 thoughts on “Moisture Barrier 🤨”

  1. Oh finally a remedy!!
    Period times are always the worst…I legit just look at myself in the mirror and be like, “oh well just ruin my face and gedifok once this period is over,” So annoying!
    Anyways thanks so much for your tips, they be working so well for me…keep it up🤗❤️


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