The beautiful/comical effects of the Quarantine🤕

Hello guysss,

Missed Me??
Cos I missed y’all. Fr, I did…

I’m literally writing this with a big smile on my face. 🙈
I love you guys.
Anyway, let’s get right into the gist of the day!

It’s Day 8 of Quarantine (Whoop Whoop) to be honest this doesn’t feel like a quarantine to me. It’s like a normal day in my life.
But guys come to think of it, I’m not trying to be silly here but this thing came to give everyone a much needed rest, rejuvenation etc.

I mean, you’re not going out in the sun for crying out loudddd 💁‍♀️
If you follow my blog, I’d be inspecting all your faces with glee once this is over.

The glow must happen by force.

We’re all inside, drinking water and minding our businesses.

No sunburn that’d add to hyperpigmentation.

So I envisage clear skins once this is over and that brings me to a short but basic routine that we should all try to follow.

So I’d be giving a basic morning and night routine.

But first, let me gist y’all the comical and annoying parts of my quarantine.
So I’m trying to make the most of this holiday by taking online courses, exercising more to get that snatched waist and also stepping up my make up game.

Let me start with the most hilarious of all. So yesterday I decide to draw my brows and for the professionals in the house, y’all know that your brows have to be in a great shape so it’d be easy to draw. Sadly I do not know how to shapen them, I only allow my makeup artist, nail tech or my sister to shapen them but this time i watched a bunch of YouTube videos online and I’m like “I gat this”

So your girl bought a brand new razor, all hyped up and went in 😭.

Worst mistake of my life!

Not only did I almost bleed myself to death, I shaped these brows funny 😐😔.
So I would not be going out until these brows grow back. I would also not be receiving video calls so please I ask that you put my brows in your prayers and not call me in this sad time.
Thank you 😣

As for my exercises anytime I go in, I immediately get so dizzy and a headache ensues. I believe I’d be letting go of this activity for the time being 😖

So right into our basic routine
Morning routine
▪Wash your face with your favourite soap
▪Use a toner (Like rose water, witch hazel or glycolic acid toner)
Tip: Stop using cotton pads for your toners, use your hands to rub it in and see the difference. I feel like the cotton pads soak in the toner instead of staying on your face
Lastly: Use a moisturizer and if you’re going out? Please apply a sunscreen.

Night routine
▪Wash your face with soap.
▪Use a treatment for your problem areas like Vit.C. Or Niancinamide or Alpha arbutin.
▪Moisturize and go to bed.
▪Cover your edges and use a silk pillow case to sleep.

Next time on the blog, I’d be talking about skin issues and treatments for them.

Thank you so much once again for taking out time to read my blog post.

Kindly like, comment and share 😘


18 thoughts on “The beautiful/comical effects of the Quarantine🤕”

  1. Haq I need to see what those brows look like😂😂…send a picture to my WhatsApp DM boo😂😂😂


  2. Tbh, keeping up with skin care is hard. I mean it’s not like I’m doing anything, I’m just lazy to wash my face😪😭


  3. I reckon the quarantine will be good for u and feel like a normal day. But dnt forget some are praying fervently for it to be over because if they don’t go out in a day their families starve….you can’t enjoy a much needed rest without food in your stomach.


  4. Thanks for the tips Emi😍
    I’m currently forcing myself to keep up with my skincare routine during this stay at home period..
    Its really hard,but the end result is worth it…
    Can’t wait to see more posts😁


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