Major skincare Issues we Africans face🤕


My face legit looks like icecream 😄, I’d lick it if I could rn.

Hey you, long time no talk.
I hope you are okay. I hope you are safe and staying at home too.
If you haven’t been staying at home, I’ve got no words 😒😒

Anyway, let’s get right into this. (* drumroll *)
So we’re here to talk about issues we face with our skin and how to combat them.

P.S: I’d also be doing a product review today. ✨

So we have these issues:

• Hyperpigmentation
• Uneven-Skintone
• Discolouration
• Acne (Breakouts)
• Sunburn
• Enlarged pores

I’d just like to say that beautiful skin requires commitment, not a miracle!
Let me regale you guys with tales from my childhood on when and how I discovered skincare was it for me.

So when I was little I wasn’t skin confident.
I was always called Emi Blacky (I felt ugly af with my uneven skintone and discolouration) which I always cried about.
One day, I had an ‘eureka moment’.
If I could better my skin, it’d be pretty and I wouldn’t feel ugly anymore.
So I set out to finding the ‘cure’ 😂
I was about 9 or so and I had just come back from boarding school. My mom had this Lebanese friend that brought her skincare products (the good, the bad and the nasty) all the time. One day I picked up this garlic cream I saw on her Vanity Stand and the instructions read “wash after 30 mins” but then your girl put it on and slept off 😭.
I woke up the next morning with patches of burned skin 😂.

It wasn’t even slightly funny.

I’d never forget how much I screamed and cried and my mom who is such a disciplinarian beat the hell out of me.
And then I told myself that I’d get rid of all my burns and I set out to do so.

So if you have an issue you feel like you can’t combat, I’m here to tell you that with my help– as the guinea pig of my brand, I’d help you.

That being said let’s get back into it!

So we’d be taking two out of the 6 aforementioned skin care issues, today.

If you read my blog posts, you’d know that I’ve mentioned something concerning enlarged pores. But let me refresh your memory.
Excessive sebum i.e (when our sebaceous glands produces too much oil) is the main cause of enlarged pores. Our skin becomes less supple and our pores get enlarged.

How To Combat this condition:

  1. Wash your face regularly
  2. Exfoliate
  3. Moisturize twice daily
  4. Use a treatment like Niancinamide (Vit. B3) which helps to reduce pore size

This is a type of skin burn resulting from too much exposure to sunlight or sunlamps.
Repeated exposure can actually increase risk of other conditions like Wrinkles, Dark spots or even Skin cancer.

“Did you just say Skin cancer????” Yes honey, it can actually lead to it due to so much exposure to ultra violet rays from the sun.

This is why if you see me under the hot sun with an umbrella pls don’t blame me. I’m taking precautionary measures.

How To Combat this issue: Steer clear of the sun!! (jkjk)😂

  1. Just try your best to avoid excessive exposure to sunlight at all costs.
  2. Use a sunscreen with a good SPF (Sun Protection Factor).
  3. When you get Sunburned, don’t fret.
    You’d be just fine if you follow these steps,
  • Immediately you moisturize,
  • Use ice on the affected area,
  • Use a cold cream, if it turned to a blister or it’s hot to touch,
  • Take a pain relief if it hurts.
    And, daz itt!

So I talked about doing a product review today and I’d be reviewing a product that I love.
This product also has a huge role to play in reducing enlarged pores.

Let’s give it up for!


The Ordinary Brand’s Niancinamide & Zinc 10%


I’m in love with this product.
If I could marry a skincare product, this would be it for me.
It features high concentrations of the most effective blemish battling ingredients out there (Niancinamide and Zinc).

If you have acne and oily Skin, this product is for you.

If you have enlarged pores, it is for you.

If you have a dull skintone, fret no more!

If you want smooth skin, this should be your new bestie.

This product is so versatile. It comes in 30ml and 60ml & a glass bottle.
If I could get a lifetime supply of this product, I’d be the happiest person ever! (winking at The Ordinary Brand)
It’s also quite affordable.
The 30ml bottle retails for N5,000 and the 60ml for N6000.

Buy this guys, you’re welcome in advance.

Invest in your skin as it’d represent you for life.

Toodles 🎆🎆

Please drop any questions you have whatsoever.

I’d be glad to answer.

See you next time! ❤️

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